Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Emsy


Yesterday my sweet Emsy turned 6 yrs old!  I can't believe it, she is no longer a baby (sad now), but a big girl.   She has been so excited about her birthday this year, I think she finally knows what they are all about.  We didn't have a party for her this time, but are planning on taking a trip to Sea World in a month or so as part of her birthday present.  We thought we'd wait until my mum comes over from WA, to join in the fun.  As you can see my dd is an Angry Birds addict, so I had to make her a cake around that theme.  All I can say is thank goodness for Pinterest! I was so stuck for ideas until I went pinning (any excuse for a pin-fest I say).   I made the birds from Marzipan & food colouring the rest was done with buttercream icing & loads of  green food colouring ;D.

Emsy made out like a bandit getting loads of pressies, her sister was a little put out because she wasn't allowed to "help" open the pressies or blow out the candles on the cake. Emsy was really good though & let Lils play with her new toys.  So proud of how Emsy plays with her sister.

Well I'd better go, my washing needs hanging out & I want to upload a card to flickr.

Thanks for stopping by & have a wonderful week xoxoxoxo


Dawn T said...

So glad Em had a great day. Imagine she is 6. Doesn't time simply fly by! Next thing you know she'll be a teenager! Love the cake. A very clever Mummy.

sheila said...

What a darling! Happy Birthday sweet Em. Your cake looks fantastic Paula!