Oh, hello. I'm depression. You were probably expecting me. (Sandra Ranja illustration.)
Hi there lovelies,Do you like my visitor? I certainly don't, he's the reason the I've been absent lately. I don't normally write about my feelings here, but thought I should explain myself. I have been feeling blah for the longest time & only since the sun has come out have I started to feel like doing anything, anything at all. I haven't touched my craft stuff for the longest time. I managed to make an apron the other day, but forgot to take a picture. I made it for my dd's primary school tuck shop. I'll try to get a photo of it next time I do tuck shop.
I have even stopped taking a photo a day for my grateful/365 project (something just for me). Although I did take a picture of the blue sky (with a few clouds) the other day, as it's been so very long since we've seen the sunshine.
I thought I would share with you a few photos from the last week or so. Emsy finally had her hat parade, & of course there where loads of great hats, easter eggs & the parents each brought a plate for the lunch. Then we all went home early as it was the last day of school for term one. Boy hasn't the time just flown by. It seems like the other day since Emsy had her first day at school.
Here is Emsy (& Lils) sitting in line waiting to "parade" their hats.
Just thought I show a close up of my Emsy.
This is Lils' after eating spaghetti meatballs. She has to feed herself nowadays.
I have also taken Lils to her first "rock concert" Elmo's World Tour. She's still a bit little to really appreciate it, but had a great time any way. Occasionally she would join in, but the fold up chair, the other kid's food (they had chips) & falling off seats where far more exciting. But still I am glad that I took her. It was a good Lils' & Mummy time.
Well I had better go. As my new laptop is having issues with it's hard drive & I have to go see if I can get it repaired under warranty (the company we brought it from has since gone into liquidation).
Also before I forget I am hosting a challenge on the Die Cut Diva's flickr site here.
Thanks for stopping by & happy crafting everyone. Hugs to you all xoxoxoxo
Paula, sending happy thoughts your way... with the school hols here, it will be a busy time and that will be good. Hang it there hon, it will get better. Perth is just lovely, the sun is trying to shine today and we are off to visit Freemantle Prison later. Heading down to the Margaret River area for Easter. take care of yourself.
Hugs Dawn
Oh Paula, I am so sorry to hear that your kind, wonderful self is feeling so blue. Hang in there.....the blues will pass and you will be feeling better soon. It is so difficult to remain upbeat when the weather is crummy......on the bright side, your children are just adorable! Thank you for posting pics of them! Like Dawn, I too am sending happy thoughts your way ;-)
Hi babe, not enjoying good mental health myself either right now so I can certainly sympathise. Great pictures, especially like the one's of Lily - did any of the food go into her mouth???? Any time you want to e-chat just email through the addy on my website. I'll join those other girls in sending happy thoughts your way, big sloppy hugs and kisses, Jo x
awww... so sorry to hear that you are feeling down, Paula. sending you big hugs. hope your lovely girls will help cheer you up a little. they are the most precious treasures and you have to stay strong for them, ok? =) i so hope that i can give you a big hug now or just sit and chat with you. take good care, my friend. please let me know if there is anything that i can help to cheer you up and please feel free to email, i'll be here for you! =)
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