Saturday, January 5, 2013

My plan for January

Hi Lovelies,

Today's post isn't a crafty one.  As I've been around the 'net I've noticed people are asking & listing what is everyone's New Year Resolutions.

This year I've decided to go a different (but sort of the same) way.  I'm breaking everything down into months & I'm not calling them goals.  Instead they are what I want to "Focus" on for each month.  So in no particular order for January my Focus is on:

1. Getting up early each morning.
2. Start walking
3. Do a little bit of craft each day
4. Spend some time by myself once a week with no Husband or kids
5. Write in my 365 Grateful Art/Smash Journal each day.

As you can see it's not a very big list, but for me at the moment this is enough.  Truth be known I had a hard time coming up with 5 things to focus on.  I will let you know at the end of the month (if my brain works!) how I went.

Which reminded me - Thank you to all who voted for my card at Red Carpet Studio last month.  I didn't win but I do appreciate all your support.

Have a great day & happy crafting lovelies

PS  I am in the process of doing some cards for Daisy Chain so will have a show & tell later in the week.

1 comment:

Anne Gaal said...

Hi, Paula! I think this is a lovely idea! I also like to sit down once a month and think about the past month and what I did that I liked - and then think about the future month and what I'd like to do or focus on. Good luck! I hope you have a blast! Sounds like something you could put into your journal, too! ♥